Living Out The Gospel
in Bonner County, Idaho
In direct response to the Lord Jesus Christ’s command to ‘make disciples of all nations,’ New Song Bible Church was planted in the late 1990s to be a pillar and buttress of the Truth of Christ’s Gospel right here in Sagle, Idaho. By God’s grace, we desire to prioritize robust teaching and preaching, rich musical worship, and affectionate fellowship on the Lord’s Day, as well as hospitable and intimate community growth throughout the week. We are a church striving to carry out the Great Commission in our little corner of the earth by developing a culture marked by a love of families, a love of God’s Word, and a love of the church herself, in joyful response to Christ having loved the church so perfectly that He gave Himself up for her. For more information, visit ‘our story.’
Small Groups - Bible Studies
From small groups to weekend meetups, family events to men's meetings, we have many opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly, encouraging one another in worship of our Triune God.
Lord's Day Worship
Sundays at 9:30 am
New Song Bible Church
470250 HWY 95
Sagle, ID 83860
470250 HWY 95
Sagle, ID 83860