How it all started...
Responding to Christ’s command to ‘make disciples of all nations,’ New Song Bible Church was planted in the late 1990s to be a pillar and buttress of the Truth right here in Sagle, Idaho. Our church’s humble beginnings looked like 39 faithful, gathering in the Sagle Senior Center on Lord’s Day mornings, according to the original purpose statement, in order to ‘provide a vibrant, Bible-based, people-oriented ministry to the growing area of South Bonner County.’ In 2002, New Song relocated to our current building and steadily grew into a stable and dependable redemptive presence, firmly rooted in the Bible as our only rule of faith and practice.

Expanding the vision...
In recent years, we have sought to develop our mission to integrate the wider demographic that is pouring into our area. We have labored to become an intergenerational church, in which all walks of the Christian life would be both warmly welcomed and lovingly challenged to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ. We have sought to prioritize robust teaching and preaching, rich musical worship, and affectionate fellowship on the Lord’s Day, as well as hospitable and intimate community growth throughout the week. We have organized into small groups to promote Christian fellowship, prayer, and shared meals. In short, we have sought to carry out our mission by developing a culture marked by a love of families, a love of God’s Word, and a love of the church herself, in joyful response to Christ having loved the church so perfectly that He gave Himself up for her.
Where we are headed...
Today, we recognize that we stand in a unique place in human history. Not being ignorant to the breakneck speed at which our culture is throwing itself towards darkness-loving godlessness, we're highly motivated to take the opportunity to shine the light of Christ all the more brightly. How can we do this?
1) Preach the simple truth. God made everything. You are a sinner. You deserve wrath. Christ was crucified. You must repent. Christ is your only hope. Such simple yet astonishing truths have never tasted so bitter to our world, nor sweeter to those God is calling to Himself. For this reason, it’s never been more crucial that we courageously proclaim that which is plainly true as revealed by God’s Word, the Bible.
2) Build a Community of Christian homes. In a world that detests God’s design, we want to do everything we can to promote it; and that starts with His design for the family. We seek to provide support for the Christian family, encouraging strong, godly fathers- gracious, feminine mothers- and joyful, God-fearing children to function as the nuclear family unit that God intended. Though our families won’t be perfect, we are dedicated to banding them together in a vigorous, loving, and loyal community with which we may walk through life, understanding that darkness is easily dispelled by a multitude of lights, banded together by God’s grace and for God’s glory. We therefore are committed to building relationships, sharing meals, and loving one another through times of weeping and times of rejoicing.
3) Worship God robustly. In a world that is at war, we recognize our weapons are not swords and spears, but God’s Word, communion, and praises rising from the congregation of God’s people. We therefore seek to push back the gates of hell through lifted voices, sacrificial service, and unashamed proclamation of Christ crucified, the King of kings . And as the world’s institutions continue to crumble around us, we intend to stand. We are the church. The Body of Christ. We are a ‘chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession.’ And by His power, we intend nothing less than to build Christian homes in every corner of Bonner County, so that God may receive His due glory in our little slice of the world.
1) Preach the simple truth. God made everything. You are a sinner. You deserve wrath. Christ was crucified. You must repent. Christ is your only hope. Such simple yet astonishing truths have never tasted so bitter to our world, nor sweeter to those God is calling to Himself. For this reason, it’s never been more crucial that we courageously proclaim that which is plainly true as revealed by God’s Word, the Bible.
2) Build a Community of Christian homes. In a world that detests God’s design, we want to do everything we can to promote it; and that starts with His design for the family. We seek to provide support for the Christian family, encouraging strong, godly fathers- gracious, feminine mothers- and joyful, God-fearing children to function as the nuclear family unit that God intended. Though our families won’t be perfect, we are dedicated to banding them together in a vigorous, loving, and loyal community with which we may walk through life, understanding that darkness is easily dispelled by a multitude of lights, banded together by God’s grace and for God’s glory. We therefore are committed to building relationships, sharing meals, and loving one another through times of weeping and times of rejoicing.
3) Worship God robustly. In a world that is at war, we recognize our weapons are not swords and spears, but God’s Word, communion, and praises rising from the congregation of God’s people. We therefore seek to push back the gates of hell through lifted voices, sacrificial service, and unashamed proclamation of Christ crucified, the King of kings . And as the world’s institutions continue to crumble around us, we intend to stand. We are the church. The Body of Christ. We are a ‘chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession.’ And by His power, we intend nothing less than to build Christian homes in every corner of Bonner County, so that God may receive His due glory in our little slice of the world.

Come, Let Us Worship...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am.